Appearance colors in solidWorks

I've encountered a problem in SolidWorks. As you can see in the image, initially, when my assembly was completed, I applied a yellow color to the entire assembly. However, when I attempted to try different colors later, I removed the first color. Surprisingly, it still shows the color for some of the sub-assemblies. Can anyone help me understand why it's still showing the color after removing it from the assembly?

Accepted answer

Condition 1: You have a top-level appearance that overrides everything below it (See attached image). Left-click to clear this, and your assembly will display all part-level appearances.

Condition 2: You have an assembly-level appearance overriding a component (See attached image). Left-click the top triangle to clear this, and your part-level appearance will be displayed.

If the appearance is still displayed, try rebuilding after clearing. If the rebuild doesn't work, start opening sub-assemblies to make sure the appearance wasn't applied at that level, working your way down until you find it.

1 Other answer

Yes, Steven, I got the result I was looking for with condition 1. Thanks a lot for giving your valuable time.