How can I export the Catia, DMU kinematics in ".mp4" file?
1 Answer
Hi, I hope you are doing well... here is the steps you must follow:
1. In the DMU Generic Animation toolbar, click on ‘compile simulation’
2. In the dialog box check the option ‘Generate an animation file ’. then you see that VFW codec is already available, but this can not always be the best Video Codec, it depends on your graphic card and your PC performance. So you can install more such video compilation tools, to see which one gives you the best result.
3. In the ‘time step’ section choose a step you want. Consider that the bigger the value the faster compilation is.
4. Then click the file name and in the save as window type the data name of your choice and save it.
5. Click Ok and wait while the dialog box becomes inactive, showing you the compilation is processing.
6. Your video file is ready