how can i make collision constrains in inventor?

i've noticed softwares like solidedge have a particoular motion-constrain called physic or collision simulation. i've tried to make that in inventor professional, but i can't to that. i'll show an example: i've got a stroke tube and a fork barrel; i want to apply a certain travel without letting out the stroke. how can i do?

1 Answer

While Inventor has contact solver (collision simulation) that’s not what you want to use in this case. You want regular constraints with limits.
This video seems to detail it pretty well.

By the way, contact solver requires a lot of CPU power. Especially on complex assemblies. Unless you are just checking a few simple contacts it can overwhelm most systems very quickly. Furthermore, in the case of a piston and cylinder, it is possible to move the piston so fast that collision isn’t detected and the piston can fall outside of its acceptable range. Then it becomes difficult to get it back where it belongs. Don’t use contact solver unless there is no alternative.

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