GrabCAD Community User Group

Created by Anna Skopenko on 10 January, 2018

Today 09 April, a new member joined!! and he greeted me (PM) with these kind words:

Quote: Drop dead, What kind of bitch like you knows to bark, you're so stupid Hans de Ridder, your family fucking eat my shit to live. You will die soon, you won't live much longer. I'm worried that if you don't eat too much shit you will die and you'll regret it. society's trash. end of Quote...

This new member also reacted on several of my models in a similar manner.....

Dont understand why my family and friends must die?? another PM..(Quote: I curse you and your family and your friends to die soon. yeah : end Quote )

Do you guys have any sugestion how I should react??? Did this newbie also contacted other members??