adnan rasul 21 Oct, 2020 06:23 PM i am new to this group . i have to teach creo 3.0 ,from where can i get reference models and drawings for student`s practice .
Niko Srt Oct 22, 2020 Try maybe on i found a lot of helpful material on their site. Arthas Oct 31, 2020 same as you , need some models just like knobs, can solve some problem more convenient; hope someone can introduce a website for me, thanks Niko Srt Nov 1, 2020 Arthas same as you , need some models just like knobs, can solve some problem more convenient; hope someone can introduce a website for me, thanks Arthas Nov 1, 2020 Thanks, it's useful, and every time I open the software it will show in my homepage ; Dave Martin Nov 1, 2020 McMaster Carr has drawings of most of the components on their website. Many are simple enough for new users. Log in or sign up to post a reply